Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
See answers to frequently asked questions below. If you still cannot find answers to your questions, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service at
How long can you keep a bottle of Blossa Lätt Vinglögg or Non-alcoholic glögg?
Unopened bottle: An unopened bottle of Blossa Lätt Vinglögg lasts over two seasons, which means about 24 months from the production date. The best before date is stated on the bottle. Blossa Lätt Vinglögg does not go bad like fresh food, but the best before date shows that the product meets our sensory requirements. Over time, the flavor profile continuously changes, and if it is stored for a long time, the sensory profile will go from glögg to a profile similar to a fortified wine. The taste of glögg decreases with age, but if it has passed it's best before date but you find that it still taste up to standard, then, by all means, enjoy! The product keeps well if stored unopened in a dark and cool place that maintains an even temperature.
Opened bottle: Opened Blossa Lätt Vinglögg and Blossa Non-alcoholic versions do not go bad like fresh foods, but what happens is that the sensory profile changes. Over time the flavor profile continuously changes, and if it is stored for a long time, the sensory profile will go from glögg to a profile similar to a fortified wine. An opened bottle means that oxygen is added and that the product can oxidize. The oxidation is minimized if you store the bottle in a dark and cool place. The easiest way to check if the product is drinkable is to try it. If the contents of the bottle have oxidized, you get a smell of old apples, but if the glögg still smells and tastes good, then, by all means, enjoy!
How long can you store a bottle of Blossa Vinglögg, Starkvinsglögg, Trestjärnig Guld, Silver & Brons?
The product can be enjoyed as long as you think it tastes good. There are no general times for how long it can be stored. What happens during storage is that the flavor profile changes. The spiciness decreases and the product takes on a strong wine character. There are people who buy the product and store it for a while as they want less spiciness. Products that have been stored for some time can get a precipitate at the bottom, which consists of spices and coloring substances that precipitate into particles.
What is the number on the bottom/neck of the bottle of Blossa Vinglögg, Starkvinsglögg, Trestjärnig Guld, Silver & Brons?
There is no best before date on these bottles - the number is a lot number, which is a traceability number. With that number, we can trace the components back in the manufacturing chain and we can also trace the current product via the lot number forward in the chain. If something happens, we can track the retailers which purchased the product from us.
Can you serve Blossa Lätt Vinglögg to children?
No, Blossa Lätt Vinglögg contains 2.2 vol% alcohol and should not be consumed by anyone under 18 years of age.
What is Blossa Vinglögg made of?
Blossa Vinglögg, Starkvinsglögg and Lätt Vinglögg are almost made in the same way. Blossa glögg is made from red or white wine as a base and then the product is "seasoned" with fortified wine/sweet wines with fortified wine character, sugar and typical Christmas spices. Blossa Lätt Vinglögg: The difference for Blossa Lätt Vinglögg is that the red or white base wine is de-alcoholized in a gentle way to preserve flavor and aroma, and then seasoned with sweet wines with strong wine character, sugar and typical Christmas spices.
It looks like broken glass in my bottle. What is it?
What is described is most likely sedimentation at the bottom of the bottle. It looks like white little "flakes" in the bottle. The reason is that salt is precipitated in the wine after a period of storage. In terms of the taste, you won't notice any difference.
Why does Blossa's Lätt Vinglögg taste so much more than other brands' glögg varieties?
Because Blossa's Lätt Vinglögg is based on wine, and during the dealcoholization process, the alcohol is removed in a gentle manner without compromising the flavor. To clarify: Blossa Lätt Vinglögg is still a wine-based glögg where the alcohol has been removed, which allows optimal preservation of flavours.
Does Blossa contain gluten?
No, Blossa's glögg does not contain gluten. Gluten is a protein that does not carry over during the distillation of alcohol made from grains. In the case of any adverse reactions to consuming Blossa, it's likely due to something else one might be sensitive to.
Is Blossa Mulled Wine okay to drink if I'm vegan?
All Blossa products except for our Blossa Sparkling and Blossa Trestjärnig GULD are vegan.
Why do Blossa's alcohol-free products contain a small amount of alcohol?
The term "alcohol-free" is not regulated according to Swedish or EU legislation, but it has been commonly used by the public and in the industry to refer to beverages that contain a maximum of 0.5% ABV (alcohol by volume). Blossa's Alcohol-Free contains a very small amount of alcohol (less than 0.5% ABV), and the reason for the presence of traces of alcohol in the glögg is that alcohol is used to extract spices. Below 0.5% ABV, it is very difficult to analyze accurately. There are accredited measurement methods for alcohol measurement starting from 0.3% ABV. The standard method for alcohol analysis can only measure alcohol content from 0.5% ABV and upwards. The analysis result we obtain is not precise but only indicates that the alcohol content is under 0.5% ABV. This means that the final product can contain 0-0.5% ABV. We have chosen to call it "Alcohol-Free" to differentiate it from our Blossa Lätt Vinglögg, which contains 2.2% ABV. We do not believe that the term "Blossa Alcohol-Free Glögg" is misleading due to the minimal amount of unmeasurable alcohol present in it. Additionally, in most countries, it's an accepted term for products with a maximum of 0.5% ABV.
How long has the brand Blossa been around?
The recipe for Blossa Glögg dates back to 1895 and originates from Grönstedts Vinhandel in Gamla Stan. When V&S (Vin & Sprit) acquired Grönstedts Vinhandel, they also obtained the glögg recipe. During the monopoly era, V&S produced various types of glögg based on this recipe, and in 1993, the glögg was named Blossa. Through PR and TV advertising, brand awareness was built up, and today, Blossa is a very well-known brand.
Are there traces of almonds and nuts in Blossa?
Can Blossa cause allergic reactions?
Glögg-spice mix, preservatives, and citrus fruits may trigger allergic reactions. Sulfur Compounds: May cause hypersensitivity reactions in sensitive individuals, primarily among asthmatics. Sulfur dioxide can affect the respiratory tract's mucous membranes. Even very low levels can cause airway constriction in sensitive individuals. Sorbic Acid: Naturally occurs in the body's normal metabolism, but in sensitive individuals, it can cause skin irritations and redness around the mouth. Spices: Blossa's glögg contains extracts of typical Christmas spices (cinnamon, cardamom, ginger etc.), and all of these have components that can lead to hypersensitivity reactions. If you react to, for example, gingerbread cookies, you should be very cautious with glögg or avoid it altogether. Citrus: Citrus fruits can trigger allergic reactions. We have citrus fruits in the following products: - Blossa White and Red without added sugar, 0.5% ABV - Blossa Sparkling & Spices Citrus, 10% ABV - Blossa Sparkling & Spices Classic red, 8% ABV - Blossa Sparkling & Spices Classic red, 0.5% ABV - Blossa Saffron & Orange, 15% ABV - Blossa Saffron & Orange, 0,5% ABV